Instructor: Setting up Your Course
You’ll be presented with two options to set up your course and insert content.
Insert Module level deep links
This approach allows you to customize the content included in the course and insert the deep links for each individual Module. Students will then launch each individual Module directly from the LMS course and grades will be posted back to the LMS gradebook at the Module level.
Create one course launch link
This approach will direct you to the application in a new tab where you will go through several steps and settings to create your course. Once you’ve finished setting up your course on the application, you’ll navigate back to the tab with your LMS and insert the course level link, which will launch to the Dashboard, rather than individual Modules. Students will launch this link and have access to all of the content included in the course. Grades will be posted to the LMS gradebook at the Module level.
Step 1. Adding an assignment to your course using the ‘F.A. Davis’ external tool
Navigate to the desired course. From the left-hand side navigation panel, click on ‘Assignments’. Click on ‘+Assignments’
From the ‘Submission Type’ dropdown, select ‘External Tool’. Click on ‘Find’
Select the ‘F.A. Davis LTI 1.3’ tool
Step 2: Choose the Title being used in the course
From the pop-up, select the desired product. Note: you will only see the products listed that you have been given to access to by F.A. Davis. After selecting the product, click on ‘Add Content’.
Step 3: Choose the approach with which you’d like to insert the content
NOTE: Once you make a selection on this step, you will not be able to edit it. If a change is required, you will need to create a new course and start over.
Deep Link/Insert Module Deep Link
After selecting the ‘Insert Module deep link’ approach click on ‘Setup Course’
Step 4: Inserting the content/deep links
Select only one of the Modules listed and then highlight and copy the Module name. Note that you can toggle between Assignment types to Clinical Judgment or Quizzing.
Once you are finished, click on ‘Insert Course’.
Note: Canvas currently does not support inserting multiple deep links at once, you can only insert one at a time otherwise Students’ grades will not be posted back to your LMS. Also, you will need to launch any of the deep links inserted at least once before Students will be able to successfully launch.
Click on ‘Select’ on the external tool pop-up. Note: You’ll have to click on ‘Select’ again in order for the link to be inserted, if you close out of the pop-up without clicking on ‘Select’, the link will not get inserted.
From the assignment settings screen, paste the Module name copied in the ‘Assignment Name’ text field. Enter ‘100’ in the points value field. Check the ‘Load This Tool in A New Tab’ option. Click on ‘Save’ OR ‘Save & Publish’.
After clicking on ‘Save’, the link is inserted, and you can launch the assignment. Note: You’ll need to publish the course and the assignment before launching. Repeat Step 4 to finish setting up your course.
Single Link/Create One Course Launch Link
NOTE: Once you make a selection on this step, you will not be able to edit it. If a change is required, you will need to create a new course and start over.
After selecting ‘Create one course launch link’, click on ‘Setup course’.
You will have the option to either customize your course or use the default settings to create your course. If you choose to customize your course, the application will open in a new tab with the steps and settings available for customization.
If you choose to customize your course, a new tab will open in your browser window launching the application. Navigate to that tab and go through the steps to create your course. Once you have completed setting up your course on the application and you are on the ‘Summary’ screen, navigate back to the tab with your LMS. Your course has been created and can be inserted as one deep link by clicking on ‘Insert Course’ from the pop-up in your LMS.
NOTE: You will need to launch the deep link inserted at least once before Students will be able to successfully launch.
Click on ‘Select’ on the external tool pop-up. Note: You’ll have to click on ‘Select’ again in order for the link to be inserted, if you close out of the pop-up without clicking on ‘Select’, the link will not get inserted.
In the ‘Assignment Name’ text box, enter the name you’d like to give the course launch link. Example: Davis Advantage for Basic Nursing.
Next, edit the ‘Display Grade As’ field to ‘Not Graded’. Click on ‘Save’ OR ‘Save and Publish’.